De Jonathon von Maren, LifeSiteNews April 3, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Earlier this week, LifeSiteNews reported on the “Babies Go To European Parliament” initiative, launched by a Romanian pro-life group, and noted that anti-abortion activism seems to be exploding there. This year’s March for Life, for example, is their ninth national march, and each year the numbers continue to grow. In 2013, 23 cities in Romania participated with individual marches. In 2014, that number rose to 40, and an entire “Week for Life” was …
Etichetă: March for Life
1500 de persoane au participat la Marșul pentru viață de la Berna, Elveția, un eveniment de celebrare a vieții desfășurat pe 15 septembrie sub sloganurile: „Alege viața” și „Mulțumesc pentru viață”. La eveniment au luat cuvântul femei afectate de trauma avortului, care au vorbit despre experiențele lor și despre consecințele lipsei de sprijin. Participanții au semnat o petiție prin care solicită o cercetare a consecințelor psihologice și fiziologice ale avortului asupra femeilor. Sursa:
Foto: John Aron Foto: John Aron Foto: John Aron Foto: John Aron Foto: John Aron
CHICAGO, January 16, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – A record-breaking crowd braved the frosty weather to attend the thirteenth annual March For Life Chicago. Approximately 6,000 people attended the rally and march, the biggest annual pro-life gathering in the American Midwest. There were babies in strollers, children, students and adults of all ages well-bundled up against the cold. March for Life Chicago Board of Directors President Dawn Fitzpatrick was delighted by the record turn-out. “This March for Life Chicago drew people of …
de Fr. Mark Hodges BUCHAREST, Romania, March 29, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — More than 8,000 pro-lifers marched for the sanctity of life in the nation’s capital and hundreds of thousands more marched in cities across Romania and Moldova on Saturday. The marches, organized locally, coincided with the Feast of the Annunciation on March 25. Bucharest participants held signs saying, „Every child is an angel coming into the world,” and „Women deserve more than abortion.” Orthodox priests and leaders of all six …