Senatul din Louisiana a aprobat un proiect de lege care solicită ca rămășițele copiilor avortați să fie îngropate. O lege similară a fost aprobată în 2016 în urma clipurilor care arătau că angajații Planned Parenthood încearcă să vândă organele unor bebeluși avortați.
Louisiana lawmakers are trying again to ensure no aborted babies’ bodies are sold or misused in the state while abortion remains legal.
On Wednesday, a state Senate committee passed a bill to require that abortion facilities cremate or bury the remains of aborted babies after surgical procedures, The Times-Picayune reports.
The state passed a similar law in 2016 after undercover videos showed Planned Parenthood employees allegedly trying to sell aborted baby parts. However, abortion activists challenged the law, and a court blocked the state from enforcing it.
The difference in the new legislation is that it does not apply to unborn babies aborted by the pill. Most women who take the abortion pill pass their dead baby’s body at home, not an abortion facility.
According to the report:
A proposal requiring abortion providers to make sure fetal remains are buried or cremated after a surgical procedure was among the pro-life measures that cleared the Senate Health and Welfare committee on Wednesday (April 25).
Two of the proposals (HB 273) and (HB 891) by Rep. Frank Hoffman (R-Monroe) are updated versions of laws that were approved in 2016 but never enacted. They are currently being challenged in federal court. The current version of HB 273 approved by the committee limits the requirement of burial or cremation of the fetal remains to surgical abortions. The original bill appeared to broadly include abortions induced by a pill taken outside of a doctor’s office.
The Center for Reproductive Rights filed a lawsuit in 2016 to block a number of Louisiana abortion regulations, including the burial requirement. It claimed the law created “a web of red tape that women and their doctors cannot hope to escape, driving safe and legal care out of reach for many Louisiana women and putting their health and well-being at risk.”
Louisiana was one of several states that passed regulations requiring dignified treatment of aborted babies’ remains through cremation or burial. The abortion industry has challenged many of them by claiming the cost to cremate/bury the aborted babies would be too burdensome.
Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion business in America, aborting approximately 320,000 unborn babies every year. Its most recent annual report showed a record income of $1.46 billion, with about half a billion dollars coming from taxpayers.
In December, the U.S. Department of Justice said it is investigating whether the abortion chain illegally sold aborted baby body parts.