Disperarea generată de presiuni și lipsa de sprijin le determină pe unele dintre femeile în criză de sarcină să aleagă avortul. Multe dintre cele care au ajuns la avort își doresc să aibă șansa de a mai alege o dată. Să nu le lăsăm fără alternative! Viața este alternativa mereu câștigătoare.
Versuri originale:
Leaves were fallin’ on Sunrise road
I watched her mamma button her coat
And then I heard that little girl say
Can your kid come out and play
I tried to swallow the lump in my throat
Said we couldn’t wait to bring him home
Ain’t it funny how you forget
We were gonna call him Chance
My Chance
He would’ve had eyes as blue as oceans
My Chance
He would’ve been an angel from above
I would’ve sung him lullabies
Before he went to bed
But I missed, I missed my chance
I bought him the cutest little shoes
Painted my room in pastel blues
But they said we were to young
To raise a son
They promised we’d never regret it
And to this day, their words
Their words still hurt
We prayed each day
That God would understand
But we never got a second chance
Oh, eyes as blue as oceans
He would’ve been an angel from above
I would’ve sung him lullabies
Before he went to bed
But I missed, I missed my chance
My angel
I would’ve sung him lullabies
Before he went to be
But I missed, I missed my chance
My chance
Sursă: http://melodiipentruviata.ro/2017/05/21/jaime-thietten-my-chance/#respond