My darling Bar, This should be a very easy letter to write — words should come easily and in short it should be simple for me to tell you how desperately happy I was to open the paper and see the announcement of our engagement, but somehow I can’t possibly say all in a letter I should like to. I love you, precious, with all my heart and to know that you love me means my life. How often I …
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Există multe motive pentru care o persoană nu poate vorbi mulți ani despre consecințele negative apărute după alegerea avortului. O femeie de 85 de ani a avut nevoie de 45 de ani pentru a putea să vorbească despre modul în care avortul i-a afectat viața. Written by Cullen Herout In April of 2011, I began working with the post-abortion ministry Rachel’s Vineyard. Over the years, I have had the privilege of hearing the stories of many women and men who have an …